January 12, 2011

Drumroll please....

That's right.
Number 1.
I'm getting married suckas.
Check it out.
Naturally this news also caused me to cross of number 16: cry because I'm so happy. It was awesome and embarrassing at the same time. Anywho, August 5th is the tentative date and this is the happy couple:

Also knocked off the list was number 28: Spend New Year's Eve in Times Square! Christian and I and our friend Mike got together in NYC ready for the party of our lives but unfortunately...it SUCKED. HARD. It was freezing, I was miserable, they closed off all the streets and we couldn't get into Times Square at all. We didn't see anything and we ended up sleeping in Grand Central Station waiting for our early morning bus back home. But we got some cool pictures out of it. And talk to some drunk Persians. And see Carlo's Bakery so that makes it okay.