January 24, 2010

One. At. A. Time.

Alas, I seem to be biting off a tad more than I can chew. I've been trying to read some of the books on the BBC list, but I'm in the middle of the Janet Evanovich series about the adventures of a female bounty hunter in New Jersey (which are great by the way. Read them now.) They are hilarious and action-packed and have legitimately good crime plots. I tried to start reading all 959 pages of Gone With the Wind but I keep expecting gang fights to break out and retired prostitutes to tag along with Scarlett, so I'm thinking one book at a time for me.
I've also started to read the Bible, but I think I'll keep that one going since I read the scriptures before I go to sleep at night anyways.

Also, the juggling is going pretty well. I got the hang of it a few days after I started but I need to work on not having to run after the balls as I juggle, which is not something I see the pros doing. But I am fast approaching the day where I can feel comfortable crossing it off.

The movie watching is going excellently. I love me a good movie, and I was able to geta free trial of Netflix so now I can just basically put the AFI list online and they will send them all directly to my home. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Hands down, my favorite so far has been Schindler's List. It made me cry, and if you know me, you know that's a big thing. It is honestly one of the best movies I have ever seen, and I think what did it for me is that it's a true story. I think it should be required public viewing.

And on a side note, the job-hunting is not going very well. Since I have no experience, I have no job, so I have no experience, so I have no job, etc. Vicious cycle. But, I'm saving up all the money I can in order to get this stuff done!

January 15, 2010


Okay so I decided to try and conquer Number 31, which is to learn how to juggle. I'm making some good headway! I am so glad youtube is such a patient teacher. And luckily I found these in my room with all my other childhood crap. Apparently I've been wanting to learn for awhile? So it's nice that I don't have to used balled up socks like I was planning on...

Also, I added another one: Watch all the movies on the AFI Top 100 list. Like with the BBC book list, I've already read some of them, so it's not like I'm starting from scratch, and it will be much easier to finish the movies since it only takes up about 2 hours of my day (or much more, coughLawrenceofArabiacough).
So tonight I'm planning on watching Dr. Strangelove, since I actually own it, and it is pretty high up on the list. Hey maybe I'll do it while juggling. Just kidding.

January 13, 2010

Boredom Shmoredom

I'm home from school for the winter semester, and I have nothing to do. No, I mean absolutely nothing. Like, I can't find a job, my friends from home are still in college all over the country, and my friends that are still in high school, well, they go to high school.

In summation:
No job = No money
Few friends = Lots of time
I = am bored
This list = Is getting done

This makes things a little harder and a little easier at the same time. It automatically makes a lot of items on the list impossible, and others that just require time and patience, I might be crossing off some time in the near future.

So, it looks like we're down to these guys for now:
12. Read all the books on the BBC top 100 list
23. Read the Bible cover to cover
25. Learn to ride a unicycle
31. Learn to juggle
36. Learn how to drive
39. See how long I can go without sleep
49. Break a Guinness World Record
50. Make a quilt

January 12, 2010

Number 18 and Number 20

Since I'm planning on recording everything I do to reach my goal of completing this list, let me tell you about the two I've already done!

Number 18: Visit Laraine's grave

Laraine was the mother of one of my best friends. They moved into the area so that she could attend graduate school, and they attended church in our ward. Her and my dad as well as her daughter, Lena, and I became close friends immediately. I was 10 at the time, and Lena was 12. We were close enough in age that we always got along. We would spend nearly every weekend together, watching old movies, playing board games, making pizza, and just having fun being together.

They moved to Salt Lake City when I was 12, and I was pretty broken up about it. I would talk on the phone with them every once in a while, but it wasn't the same. When I was 15, my parents surprised me with a trip out to Salt Lake for a week during summer vacation. I spent the week with them, and saw all the sights and we all had a great time.

Two weeks later, I received a phone call from one of their friends saying that there had been a terrible car crash, leaving Laraine in a coma, and Lena paralyzed from the waist down. Laraine hung on for about a week until she passed away on September 2, 2006. It really hit me hard. There had been people in my life that had passed away, but she was the first one that really mattered to me. Luckily Lena recovered, but she must spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She manages very well, involving herself in sports and outdoor activities, like she always had done.

I always vowed to visit Laraine's grave at some point in my life, just to say goodbye. However, she was buried in Eastern Idaho and I had no idea how I was going to get myself over there. This was 3 years ago, and I currently find myself attending college in Eastern Idaho. I was looking over this list at the start of the semester, and I remembered the promise I made to visit her. I got a friend to drive me down to Grant, Idaho, a very small town with lots of fields and train tracks, and I visited her grave. It was a kind of pinkish stone, and it had a very modern font on it, and it wasn't really reminiscent of her, a serious and literary woman. There was a nice spirit in that cemetery, and I felt calm as I left, knowing that her body was at rest in the beautiful fields of Idaho and her spirit was at rest beyond the veil.

Number 20: Sing a solo in public
In church this semester, I decided to join the ward choir. When I went for the first time, there were only about five or six people, and I was thinking...maybe this was a mistake. However, once we got singing, it didn't sound too bad. At the end of the practice, the girl in charge asked us who wanted to give the female solo in sacrament meeting. We said we would all be comfortable doing it, so she did the "pick-a-number" thing. I won. I was half excited, half terrified. The song was Once In Royal David's City and I swear I listened to it like 50 times in preparation.

When the day finally came for me to sing, I had a wicked sore throat. My thoughts at this moment, you might ask? Somewhere along the lines of "&$%*#&@!#!@%!" I was freaked out and downed herbal tea with honey all day. But, I got up and did it anyway, hoping that I would miraculously sound good. I know I honestly didn't sound that great up there, and I was so nervous to be in front of so many people, but hey! It was another experience and now I know what it's like to perform in front of people. (FYI it's scary.)

January 11, 2010

Here We Go...

So, this should be pretty self-explanatory. I try and do things on that list, I check them off, and they will all be completed before my demise! (Which hopefully is in the very distant future). I've already done two things which, considering everything, is actually pretty good. Now I am really determined to get these things done. I don't have much money, but I do have people who can help me out, and I believe I really can do all these things if I try hard enough.