January 13, 2010

Boredom Shmoredom

I'm home from school for the winter semester, and I have nothing to do. No, I mean absolutely nothing. Like, I can't find a job, my friends from home are still in college all over the country, and my friends that are still in high school, well, they go to high school.

In summation:
No job = No money
Few friends = Lots of time
I = am bored
This list = Is getting done

This makes things a little harder and a little easier at the same time. It automatically makes a lot of items on the list impossible, and others that just require time and patience, I might be crossing off some time in the near future.

So, it looks like we're down to these guys for now:
12. Read all the books on the BBC top 100 list
23. Read the Bible cover to cover
25. Learn to ride a unicycle
31. Learn to juggle
36. Learn how to drive
39. See how long I can go without sleep
49. Break a Guinness World Record
50. Make a quilt

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