January 15, 2010


Okay so I decided to try and conquer Number 31, which is to learn how to juggle. I'm making some good headway! I am so glad youtube is such a patient teacher. And luckily I found these in my room with all my other childhood crap. Apparently I've been wanting to learn for awhile? So it's nice that I don't have to used balled up socks like I was planning on...

Also, I added another one: Watch all the movies on the AFI Top 100 list. Like with the BBC book list, I've already read some of them, so it's not like I'm starting from scratch, and it will be much easier to finish the movies since it only takes up about 2 hours of my day (or much more, coughLawrenceofArabiacough).
So tonight I'm planning on watching Dr. Strangelove, since I actually own it, and it is pretty high up on the list. Hey maybe I'll do it while juggling. Just kidding.

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