Alas, I seem to be biting off a tad more than I can chew. I've been trying to read some of the books on the BBC list, but I'm in the middle of the Janet Evanovich series about the adventures of a female bounty hunter in New Jersey (which are great by the way. Read them now.) They are hilarious and action-packed and have legitimately good crime plots. I tried to start reading all 959 pages of Gone With the Wind but I keep expecting gang fights to break out and retired prostitutes to tag along with Scarlett, so I'm thinking one book at a time for me.
I've also started to read the Bible, but I think I'll keep that one going since I read the scriptures before I go to sleep at night anyways.
Also, the juggling is going pretty well. I got the hang of it a few days after I started but I need to work on not having to run after the balls as I juggle, which is not something I see the pros doing. But I am fast approaching the day where I can feel comfortable crossing it off.
The movie watching is going excellently. I love me a good movie, and I was able to geta free trial of Netflix so now I can just basically put the AFI list online and they will send them all directly to my home. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Hands down, my favorite so far has been Schindler's List. It made me cry, and if you know me, you know that's a big thing. It is honestly one of the best movies I have ever seen, and I think what did it for me is that it's a true story. I think it should be required public viewing.
And on a side note, the job-hunting is not going very well. Since I have no experience, I have no job, so I have no experience, so I have no job, etc. Vicious cycle. But, I'm saving up all the money I can in order to get this stuff done!
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